The Inevitable Change

It has been a while since made an update here at the CMABLOGS, I am usually more active on my other main blog, CMAQUEST, but that doesn't mean that I have nothing to blog.

It's been a year now that my blogs acquired their very own domain names. After renewing both their names I guess its only time to take it up a notch by making additional features my two main blogs. The Pinoy Movie Blogger will now focus more on Filipino movies and will directly be under the CMABLOGS title. I will also incorporate other local based reviews and a possible vlog of my own which is still on the drawing board.

Other the mainstream movie reviews will be moved to CMAQUEST which will shift more into movies, video games and television reviews and upcoming news. Hopefully you will notice the change, so for CMAQUEST visitors out there, expect more and hopefully a more regular dose of CMAQUEST, like it should have been.

I also changed my old template into a new flexible one. So what can you guys think of my blog's new lay out? So where have I been this past few days? Well besides the obvious relaxing, I have also seen a couple of animated and local movies which will soon be review here. So expect more content on the coming days from CMAQUEST: An Infotainment and Magazine Blog and over here at CMABLOGS.


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