I am also planning to have my own web comics or comics blog where I will feature all my stories which are itching to be drawn and published. You see, one of my first love and hobby back in younger days was sketching and making comics (as seen in my DeviantArt Page). My first love became one of my greatest frustrations as I failed to take an art course back in college but I'm still not giving up and would still want a shot on it. Well, not maybe in a professional level like being an artist to multibillion comics companies but rather having my own domain where I can express my ideas and creations. One of my greatest fear back then (to why I never did that before) is art thief and concept theft. Art culprits who'll browse your art, comics, or concepts only to be stolen and claimed as it was their own. Imitation is the best form of flattery but theft is in a completely different level. But since I will not be able to professionally produced my own comics, to heck with the fear. I am taking the risk and will put my creations online. So bye for now and expect more updates from yours truly, Chris A. - Personal, Entertainment, Movie, Comics Blogger.
Online thoughts of Chris A.—a Filipino blogger, freethinker, son, brother, friend, lover and student of life.
Back from a Blog Vacation - Back To Basics
October 29, 2009 (Thursday) - Ahoy there frequent visitors, followers and readers of CMAQUEST and CMABLOGS! It's been a while since my last post in both my blogs, well this is probably because I am in the path of self-discovery and to rekindle my passion for blogging (or most probably I just got lazy hahaha). Well after a month of inactivity, I am back with more eagerness to blog and more surprise under my sleeves (Uhm, wait I minute. I don't wear sleeves).

I am also planning to have my own web comics or comics blog where I will feature all my stories which are itching to be drawn and published. You see, one of my first love and hobby back in younger days was sketching and making comics (as seen in my DeviantArt Page). My first love became one of my greatest frustrations as I failed to take an art course back in college but I'm still not giving up and would still want a shot on it. Well, not maybe in a professional level like being an artist to multibillion comics companies but rather having my own domain where I can express my ideas and creations. One of my greatest fear back then (to why I never did that before) is art thief and concept theft. Art culprits who'll browse your art, comics, or concepts only to be stolen and claimed as it was their own. Imitation is the best form of flattery but theft is in a completely different level. But since I will not be able to professionally produced my own comics, to heck with the fear. I am taking the risk and will put my creations online. So bye for now and expect more updates from yours truly, Chris A. - Personal, Entertainment, Movie, Comics Blogger.
I am also planning to have my own web comics or comics blog where I will feature all my stories which are itching to be drawn and published. You see, one of my first love and hobby back in younger days was sketching and making comics (as seen in my DeviantArt Page). My first love became one of my greatest frustrations as I failed to take an art course back in college but I'm still not giving up and would still want a shot on it. Well, not maybe in a professional level like being an artist to multibillion comics companies but rather having my own domain where I can express my ideas and creations. One of my greatest fear back then (to why I never did that before) is art thief and concept theft. Art culprits who'll browse your art, comics, or concepts only to be stolen and claimed as it was their own. Imitation is the best form of flattery but theft is in a completely different level. But since I will not be able to professionally produced my own comics, to heck with the fear. I am taking the risk and will put my creations online. So bye for now and expect more updates from yours truly, Chris A. - Personal, Entertainment, Movie, Comics Blogger.